Control H.A.P.T.I.C, the highly advanced planet technology in combat as you defend against artillery from other civilisations in deep space.

Entry for the Beginner's Jam Summer 2024 with the theme "Outside the Boundaries".

The key to surviving in this game is to use the radar to see rockets and eliminate them before they are within the boundaries of your view.


Solo Incrementing: Programming

ClowdyHowdy: Programming

Sammy: Programming

Mochread: Art

Yeva Tirabyan: UI/UX

DaGanglyGhoul: Music


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It seems the game does't get harder, I was 20k points in and I stopped playing because it dind't look like it was going to end soon. I suggest increasing difficulty over time and maybe add some upgrades so the game can have a progression, and maybe an end (with a final boss for example)